Wednesday, January 21, 2015

EPA Bob Perciasepe Testimony

This is a testimony of and EPA official, which was published in April of 2011. In this Testimony, Bob Perciasepe, a deputy of administration at the EPA, is discussing how fracking is damaging the environment. With fracking it put stress on the surface water and groundwater supplies when large quantities of water is used in the drilling process. With fracking the air quality is impaired from the hazardous air pollutants such as benzene and the potent greenhouse gases methane. This source has provided good information, and will be good to use in the future on the paper and other projects.

Testimony of Bob Perciasepe Deputy Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency before the Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Senate. (April 12, 2011). retrieved from

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